
  • [2022 제주 IUCN리더스포럼] IUCN 보도자료 1 - 포럼 개최 홍보 (10월 12일 배포)

    2023-02-13 16:55:18
  • 작성자박숙현 (manager3) 조회수103
  • +파일첨부

  • https://www.iucn.org/press-release/202210/iucn-leaders-forum-define-path-nature-positive-future

    Press release | 12 Oct, 2022

    IUCN Leaders Forum to define the path to a nature-positive future

    Jeju, Korea, 12 October 2022 (IUCN) – The IUCN Leaders Forum, taking place 13-15 October 2022, will tackle the challenge
    of measuring progress towards
    global biodiversity goals. A key working paper due to be debated at the Forum sets out a quantitative methodology IUCN is developing to help companies, governments and civil society to
    measure and track contributions towards protecting and restoring nature. The
    working paper will be discussed in a session at the Leaders Forum (13 October,
    13:30 – 15:00 KST).

    “There is growing support for nature-positive approaches
    across society, but we still need to define exactly how the world will measure
    progress in a science-based, transparent way,
    ” said IUCN Director General Dr Bruno Oberle. “This inaugural IUCN Leaders Forum provides a much-needed platform to shape ambition,
    generate buy-in from across sectors, and drive action towards a measurable,
    achievable global biodiversity framework.”

    The inaugural IUCN Leaders Forum will be held in
    Jeju, Korea, less than two months before the start of the 15
    th Conference of the Parties (COP15) to the UN
    Biodiversity Convention in Montreal. Co-hosted by the International Union for
    Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of
    Korea, and the Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, the three-day event brings together global leaders
    from national and regional governments, business, academia and civil society
    around the vision of nature-positive economies and societies and the steps
    needed to achieve it.

    IUCN’s nature-positive methodology applies existing, rigorous global standards
    and data such as the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and is focused on
    delivering social equity. At the Leaders Forum, participants from different
    business sectors, governments and civil society will help shape and refine the
    methodology before it undergoes an extensive consultation with all relevant
    stakeholder groups.

    During the event, IUCN will also publicly unveil
    its Contributions for Nature
    platform, a tool that
    allows IUCN, including its Members and Commissions, to document conservation and restoration
    actions in a quantitative way.

    You will find more information on the event, the
    detailed programme and a full list of speakers on the 
    IUCN Leaders Forum website.

    The IUCN Leaders Forum will be livestreamed. Sign up here to follow the event remotely.

    For questions, please contact:

    IUCN media relations, press@iucn.org